Co-Authored and Co-Founded by our Learn Sense Grow Director, Kelly Kroeger.
The Move Learn Grow Program has been developed and written by Kelly Kroeger, Occupational Therapist and Tracey Cramond, Physical Education teacher, to assist in integrating left and right brain functions, actively works on integrating primitive reflexes, provides sensory integration techniques, develops coordination and motor planning, furthers language and social skills and enhances working memory and executive functioning. It has been developed:
• To improve student’s strength, coordination and motor abilities
• To fill developmental gaps
• To enhance a child’s ability to learn
• To support students in their ability to join competitive sport
• To use numeracy and literacy in our sessions
• To prepare kids for the classroom and support behaviours
• To provide children with more movement opportunities
• To support self-regulation for a calm-alert state
• To improve a child’s confidence and self-esteem physically and socially
• To support social awareness and competency to better enhance team-work and decrease social anxieties
Endorsed by the University of South Australia and now running in numerous schools interstate.
Find out more at:
The Move to Learn movement program is the extensive work of Barbara Pheloung, an Educator, passionate to support the learning needs of all children. It is a simple, flexible movement program, based on the natural movements of babies and toddlers.
It addresses the underlying functional deficits that children with various learning di culties & disabilities have shown, integrating left and right brain functions and helping to mature the vestibular system as well as any retained primitive reflexes that should normally have disappeared by the time a child is attending school. Comprising of a warm up and 9 simple movement sequences it covers all the essentials that every child needs to establish an e ective foundation for academic learning, and in the right order.
At Learn Sense Grow we incorporate the movements of the Move to Learn movement program at the end of each session to further support children’s development. It is both our vision and Barbara’s, to positively support as many children as possible.
Please visit this link for more information and to purchase the ebook ‘Ten Gems for the Brain – The Move to Learn Movement Sequences’ (5th Edition 2018) by Barbara Pheloung :
Rhythmic Movement Training International (RMTi), was founded by Moira Dempsey, a passionate educator with interest in Kinesiology and infantile reflexes. RMTi is a movement based, primitive (infant or neo-natal) reflex integration program that uses developmental movements, gentle isometric pressure and self-awareness to rebuild the foundations necessary to help overcome learning, sensory, emotional and behavioural challenges for children and adults.
For further information please visit:
“The Social Thinking Methodology is designed to help individuals age 4 through adult with solid language and learning abilities. While our deeper work is for individuals with social emotional learning challenges who may have autism spectrum levels 1 and 2, ADHD, social communication disorders, social anxiety, twice exceptionalism, or no diagnosis, a subset of our work is being adopted into mainstream classrooms around the world to improve social-emotional learning for all”, (Garcia-Winner, 2021).
Social competency skills are required to better support social skills. We encourage you to better understand the Social Thinking® Methodology, founded by Michelle Garcia Winner, and the core social concepts or ideas to better support social cognition and theory of mind in your children. Learn Sense Grow encourages the use of Social Thinking®. We direct you to visit the website and view the many webinars and resources that they offer to help enhance your understanding and knowledge
Please note: Learn Sense Grow, including its teacher or leader, is not affiliated with, nor has it been reviewed, approved, or endorsed by Michelle Garcia Winner and Think Social Publishing, Inc.
The Listening Program (TLP is a home-based therapy that is a safe, effective, drug-free approach that helps the brain process sensory input more efficiently. This leads to reduced stress, a calmer central nervous system and improved auditory skills that are required to effectively listen, learn, and communicate. TLP can help children and adults with auditory & sensory processing problems, learning difficulties, development delays or those seeking overall improvement or enhancement with brain processing. It is an innovative neuroscience-based music programs for optimal brain health and functioning.
Learn the secrets to this extraordinary tool for optimizing brain health by asking one of our Occupational Therapists or the Australian website or visit
Learn Sense Grow have registered providers that can support agency participants above the age of 7 years, as well as, all self-managed and plan managed participants. We support parents and carers to better understand the NDIS, their child’s plan, their goals and help them along their therapy pathway to maximise their child’s outcomes. We will provide comprehensive communication along your journey and NDIS review reports to support advocacy of your child’s
Learn Sense Grow Occupational Therapists are proud to be a member of OT Australia; providing support, Professional Development and Practise guidelines to all OT’s Australia wide.
Learn Sense Grow is proud to offer its clients a new product that is backed by scientific evidence. There are also numerous testimonials from people, who have all experienced similar challenges to you, who have shared amazing outcomes. Best of all this product is natural and evidence has shown that it can reduce oxidative stress by up to 40% in 30 days and increases glutathione by 300%. What is oxidative stress and glutathione, and what roles do they play, I hear you ask! Oxidative stress and low levels of Glutathione are commonly seen in many children with varying challenges.
This natural product supports the activation NRF1 and 2 pathways, by a company called Lifevantage. Whilst we cannot claim that it will cure, treat, prevent or mitigate any disease states, the research studies speak for themselves. There are numerous research papers on oxidative stress, glutathione and varying difficulties. We have researched how this product may be helpful for children and parents alike in reducing oxidative stress and increasing glutathione. It’s the synergy of the 5 main ingredients that supports this.
Feel free to contact us to find out more or visit: